Bhavan’s SIS Kindergarteners compete in Designing

Monday, February 18, 2019

The kindergarteners of Bhavan’s Smart Indian School explored the skill of designing through Cut and Paste Competition. It was conducted to tap the students’ creativity, aesthetic sense and to explore their perfection through this skill of cutting and pasting method.

The children participated with ardour and great interest. They were given time to cut the given picture and assemble the chits to paste them on the sheet to bring out the proper image. Most of the smart students were able to come out with beautiful assemblage as they were very well trained by their respective Class teachers and Art teachers.

The judgement was done for neatness and the children proved to be the best in this skill through their remarkable outputs. The efforts of the students were appreciated and they were lauded for bringing out the artworks exactly from the sample which was shown to them.


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