Bhavans Teacher Training Centre Organized Workshop on ‘Building Resilience’

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bhavans Teacher Training Centre Organized Workshop on ‘Building Resilience’ For Indian Schools in Kuwait

Bhavans Teacher Training Centre under the aegis of Bhavans Middle East, Kuwait generously organized and hosted a Professional Development Workshop on ‘BUILDING RESILIENCE’ for the teachers of the Indian schools in Kuwait on 28 April 2018 in the school auditorium from 9.00am to 2.30pm, the newest endeavour, steered by the founder and patron of Bhavans Middle East, Mr. N.K Ramachandran Menon.

‘IES Building Resilience Workshop’ aimed to provide useful tools and models for schools to assess their approach to the building of resilience and wellbeing in children, youngsters, families, communities and their own school. The vision was to develop further appropriate responses to build resilience in young people in their diverse settings.

Demonstrating its commitment to reach out to the society to support the pupils and pedagogues, the Management empowered the Vice Principals of Indian Educational School, Mr. Suresh V Balakrishnan (Sr. Vice Principal), Mrs. Lalitha Premkumar (Vice Principal, Primary) and Mrs. Meenakshi Nayyar (Vice Principal CCA) to be the resource persons.

The IES trio defined the term ‘Resilience’ as: “Overcoming adversity, whilst also potentially, subtly altering, or even dramatically transforming (aspects of) that adversity.” They listed it as the most important factor in the health, wellbeing and education of children.

Mr. Suresh V Balakirshnan, the Sr.Vice Principal and resource person opened the session by welcoming Mr. N.K. Ramachandran Menon, the chairman of Bhavans Middle East, Mr. Premkumar, the Principal of IES and the seventy eight participants from the fourteen Indian schools in Kuwait. The first session emphasized the concept of ‘Values of resilient teachers’. After the tea break Mrs. Lalita Premkumar, the Vice Principal (Primary) and resource person continued the session reiterating the role of parents, various parenting styles and strategies to build resilience. The session was then taken further by Mrs. Meenakshi Nayyar, Vice Principal CCA and resource person, on the relevance and dimension of resilience. The sessions also dealt with academic resilience, the whole school approach and existing resilience related interventions and frameworks.

Principal of IES, Mr. T Premkumar presented the certificates to the participants and Principal of Smart Indian School, Mr. Mahesh Iyer presented the mementos to the resource persons. Mr. T Premkumar expressed his gratitude to the resource persons for taking initiative in training the teachers from various schools and expressed his gratitude for encouraging their staff to attend the CPD program at IES.

The initiative of Bhavans was well appreciated by the teaching community. The young teachers will definitely have improved resilience, if they navigate their knowledge and lifelong skills to maximise the emotional health and wellbeing of themselves, their peers’ and of the students entrusted to their care. Bhavans stands apart in being altruistic not just to the teaching fraternity of Bhavans but to the Indian teaching community in Kuwait. Every endeavour of Bhavans is tuned to aid in preparing and moulding global citizens standing so true to its vision.


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