Ginger Ale to Whisky

Alan M Taylor
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Hansel walked up a stairway to a rooftop. He climbed the tiles that he thought would set him free. “Love your neighbors as yourself, love your enemies more than that,” mom’s words echoed from a great beyond. “Remember when you hated Math?” “Ughh….. Math” replied a young Hansel. “Ha….You must be dreaming if you think subjects like this will leave you. The hardest things in life stick to you. Look I have a son don’t I, but, doesn’t that mean you are a blessing to me.” Said a mother to son. Hansel chuckled and continued to climb the steps that would prove to perish.

“You can do it” echoed another voice in his head. “Believe in you, in yourself, never give up, so you never fail”. Hansel pushes for the winning goal. A pass, a tackle, a miracle “GOAL!!!!!!!!” cried the thunderous applause. “Eureka!! Do you not see the power of your youth? Do you not feel alive?” Hansel continued his journey up those steps that would be his end.

“You don’t know what you’re doing” Hansel muttered as he opened the door to the roof. He looked to the sky and felt free, he looked at the floor, his feet that stood him. He cringed his toes to have a good feel of the leather shoes. A gust blew by, a face to a tie, a pure silk one at that. A man knows not how his journey should end but that doesn’t mean he should force his end.

Ring, ring, ring, a phone in his pocket rang. A hand that mesmerized all to pick up a doomsday call. “Hello Hansel, how are you? John told me your mind is set to fly”. “Yes my dear, my end is near, I will fly to a place I belong. No forced work, no obligations there, no more ‘Sir should I do this and that’. I lost my life when I lost my parents. I’m afraid nothing can change that”. “You fool can’t you see, the fire of your youth that has forged unto thee”. “You woman of hypocrisy, you are the one who can’t see. Fare thee well, I know I feel swell”. “Goodbye”, a phone thrown in the sky.

The yell of helplessness, the mourning of self-pity, the burn of life that caused to kill thee. A can of ginger ale, a bottle of whiskey become Hansel’s final friends. He thought some more, he began to sing, tears fell off thy cheek. How it saddens me to see you like this, pained and helpless is thee. “I now shall do it” he climbed the ledge, a final breeze to clean. A shout in the head, than a backward fled, a hyperventilating Hansel said, “Who am I to kill myself”? I wish could help. But helpless am I to be trapped in the fourth wall, my power can only do this. Hansel picked up the can and took a sip and now he lay unconscious.

In the hospital Hansel lay, Jane and John sit there worried. The Doctor said “he drank whiskey instead of ginger ale and the fact that he drank too much alcohol caused him to pass out”. We are bound to our time, do not change that. Life is no trifle for one to end it all.

Alan M Taylor
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