Indian Lawyers Society Kuwait conducted General Body Meeting in Kuwait city

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The INLAWS President Adv. Ibrahim Deshmukh presided and Adv. Anas Puthiyottil opened discussion topics of current affairs such as DEMONITISATION IMPACT, GST AFTERMATH EFFECTS and ADHAR / NRI QUESTIONS, further Adv. Jacob Verghese, Adv. Lal, Adv. Gouse Mohaideen, Adv. Laxmi and Adv. Mohammed KC participated the discussion and later formulated a resolution to Government of India to resolve all negative impacts hit on the Indian economy which resulted in a downgrade in growth ratings and appealed to Government of India to implement all necessary corrections measures to strengthen the value and purpose of GST statutes and to remedy currency dilemma in the market also reiterate making Adhar statutes more clear to NRI by adding provision to Indian diaspora enable to apply and obtain Adhar card through overseas Indian mission.

The Society also reassures to strengthen its plan to provides voluntary legal assistance, services and guidance to needy Indians in Kuwait.

Meeting also farewell to Adv. Jacob Verghese who is retiring from Kuwait this year


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