New move to allow residence permit for parents and siblings

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Authorities are discussing a way to allow residency permits for the parents and siblings of expatriates in this country.

According to current rule, the new applicants for the residency permits for parents and siblings remain suspended and the renewal of the existing dependence visas are subjected to individual case based on a ‘humanitarian decision’. As per the latest report, the existing visa is only renewed provided that the sponsor buys a private health insurance policy for the relative he wants to sponsor. The ban remains on issuing new family residencies for parents and brothers until further notice.

The new draft law stipulates that the sponsor’s salary must be a minimum of KD 1,000 to get dependence visa for parents or siblings. Sponsor must pay KD 200 - 300 as article 22 residency fees and should take private health insurance where the fee will be determined following coordination with the health ministry and could reach up to KD 300 as the case in the private companies’ health insurance.

In case the proposal is approved, it will allow bringing in parents and siblings on article 22 visas.


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