KECF organised Farewell meeting for Clergies

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Kuwait Episcopal Churches fellowship (KECF) arranged a farewell meeting at Ahmadi Marthoma Center for the clergies who are transferring from Kuwait after three years of service in the various parishes of Kuwait. Farewell was given for Rev. Santhosh Philip, Vicar of St. Peter’s Marthoma Church, Rev. C.C. Sabu, Vicar of St. Paul’s CSI Church and Rev. Fr. Aby Paul, Vicar of St. George Universal Syrian Orthodox Reesh Church. KECF President Rev. Saji Abraham presided over the meeting. Rev. Biju Sam, Rev. Fr. Shaji P Joshua, Rev. Fr. Anil Varghese, Rev. Sunil John, Rev. Georgie Varghese, Rev. Johnson Alexander, Rev. Price Korah, Rev. Fr. Jacob Thomas, Rev. Fr. Eldo C Mathew, Punnoose Anchery, Laji Jacob, Benny Varghese and Benjamin Philip delivered their speech.


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