SIS Sewa Project: Irrevocable Impact of Inventions in Interpersonal Values

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Smart Indian School organized a retrospective project under the course SEWA for the students of CBSE International Curriculum. The goal of the study was defined to disseminate the supplantation of affinity on the familial ties over electronic gadgets and the project served to be a bilateral involvement of both parents and children. Parent community was familiarized with this strategy through a circular and they partook actively in shunning away the electronic gadgets for an hour to establish kinship propinquity with their children. Some of the feedbacks sent by parents were heart-throbbing like “ we understood that our children want to share many of their thoughts with us ”, “we, all the family members understood each other by interacting and planning for an outing ” “ how much we are misusing our electronic gadgets forgetting our family values’’ etc. Hence the whole agenda saw a fruitful turn in driving parents to regret the uncherished moments with their wards and to record a feedback which brought content and gratification to the school in helping them to see the difference now and then on the familial ties. SIS salutes those parents who had an unmitigated indulgence and pleasure in having hands with this project and serving undeniably for a noble bonding.


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