Smarters’ Show and Tell Competition at SIS

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Smart Indian School organized “Show and Tell” competition for the young talented kids of KG section on January 12, 2017. This podium was a favourable opportunity for the smart kids to boast their talents and to control their stage fear. The beginners bestowed their talents by seizing objects of their choice by imparting their ideas about that object. The topic given for the Pre- KG was ‘any fruit’ and they brought models and cut outs of Strawberry, Grapes, Apples etc. For the LKG kids they could choose any animal and they brought the models and cut outs of Cow, Frog, Lion, Rabbit etc. and similarly for the UKG section the topic given was about any means of transport and they brought models of Aeroplane, Boat, Car etc…

This was a good opening for them to stand confidently before the adjudicators and to address the gathering. It helped to enhance the public speaking skill of the children. The assessment was based on the language fluency, confidence and presentation. This show in total had a wide jubilation and enthusiasm all over the classes.


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