Enthralling Hindi Divas Celebrations at Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan

Natasha Fernandes IIK Young Reporter
Sunday, January 15, 2017

On 10th January 2017, Indian Educational School celebrated one of its most colorful and delightful programs “Hindi Divas” also known as Hindi Day. This day is celebrated to honor and propagate the Hindi language.

The program started with the entrance of the Chief guests who were Ms. Maimuna Ali Chowgule and Mr. Devesh Sharma who are well versed in the language of Hindi. They were escorted by the Principal of IES, Mr. T Premkumar and the Principal of SIS, Mr. Mahesh Iyer and Vice Principals of IES, Mr. Suresh Balakrishnan and Ms. Lalitha Premkumar. The enthusiastic emcees of this program were Zainab and Asma of class 10 and 11 and class 8 and 9 were the audience of this program.

We started with the Kuwait National Anthem, the recitation of the Holy Quran and the prayer song sung by our school choir. The program started with the blessings of Lord Saraswati as we had the lighting of the lamp done by the Chief guests, Principals and Vice Principals. To invoke the blessings of God, the program had started with the invocation dance performed by Devinandana and Harichandana, which was a very colorful performance.

The emcees had called upon Ms. Swarna who is the HOD of Hindi in IES to the stage to give the welcome speech. This really gave us an insight into why we celebrate Hindi Divas. After this there was a poem recited by Ujvala on “Having respect for Hindi is like having respect for our country India”. It was a mind enlightening poem.

This sequence of events had eventually led to the poetry recitation competition for class 3. The time limit was 3 min and the contestants could choose any poem with a moral value. It was indeed wonderful as each contestant had a lot of confidence and each of them had really conveyed what they were trying to say to the audience.

This is followed by storytelling done by a student of class 1 and class 2. The audience was awestruck with how well they had done this task even though they are very young. Each story had conveyed a different moral value. There was also a solo dance by Hanisha Shevtani, which really showcased her talent in dance.

Following this we had the poetry recitation for class 4 next. Even though the children taking part for this competition were nervous, they were fearless on stage. They had only 3 min but they showcased all their talents in those few minutes. Every contestant was filled with a lot of energy and enthusiasm as it could be seen in the way they all recited their poems.

Next, we had another round of storytelling. This time the students of class 3 and 4 were presenting the stories. This was again a very enlightening session it also brought back nostalgia as it reminded everyone of their own childhood stories.

We had now come to the peak of the program or more like the icing to the cake. We had 4 schools in Kuwait competing in the Nukkad Natak competition which is also known as the street play. The theme for this year was “note kai liya vote” which translates to bribing of voters for a vote in the elections. This was a really colorful event, full of joy and energy.

To soothe everyone’s ears we had a song sung by Jis which was followed by a fusion dance performed by the students of Grade 8. The dance was really colorful and amazing, it was a splash of color in one’s eyes.

Coming to the end of the show we had the results announced by Ms. Sundari and the prizes were given by the Chief Guests and Principals. For the recitation for class 3 we had Priyal A. Shah from Carmel school who bagged the first place, second was Mariyam Y. Chorghay from ICSK Amman and third prize by Anantha Krishnan Sairam.

For the recitation of class 4 the first place was given to Nakshatra Neeraja of IES, Second place to Ankur Upadhyay of ICSK Amman and third position by Keerath Kaur Sethi of Carmel school. For the Nukkad natak competition DPS had secured the first place, second was bagged by Salmiya Indian Model School and there was a tie between Learners Own Academy and IES in the third position.

After this Prize Distribution ceremony, the Emcee had called upon one chief guest at a time to give a few words. Following this we had the memento distribution to the chief guests. Then a wonderful speech was given by both Mr. Mahesh Iyer(Principal of SIS) and Mr. Premkumar( Principal of IES) about how excellently the competitors had done.

Towards the end of the program we had the Vote of Thanks given by Ms. Vijaya and wrapping up all the events we had the Indian National anthem.

Celebrating Hindi Divas, is a symbol of Indian Unity and really reflects our culture. I feel it will motivate youngsters to have a positive perception for Hindi.

Natasha Fernandes
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