Be A Leader" - Interactive Session enlightens the children to become Leaders

IIK Staff Reporter; Photo: Anwar Sadath Thalasserry
Monday, November 28, 2016 conducted "Be A Leader" - Interactive Session for the Children on Thursday, 24th November 2016 at Salmiya Indian Model School from 6:00 PM. This Interactive Session was presented by well known orator and Sr Vice Principal of IES (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan), Mr Suresh V Balakrishnan.

There is a Famous Quote by Vince Lombardi: “Leaders aren't born, they are made.” Suresh Balakrishnan, in his exemplary talk made the children understand the concept of leadership, changing once attitude to achieve their goals and take up responsibilities. The kids got motivated to try things out of the box and Break the shell that they have built around them.

The session was filled with examples and stories where Mr Suresh explained the importance of Parents spending time with their children on daily bases, and to motivate them. Children should learn to love their subjects and come forward and participate in other activities. Never be lazy, he encourages the students to join public speaking courses and develop leadership skills.

Students and parents benefited from this Seminar.

The attendees, both parents and students clarified their doubts and concerns about various teaching methods etc with Mr Suresh in an interactive session at the end.


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