ICSK Khaitan Celebrated the International Year of Pulses

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Indian Community School Kuwait, Khaitan celebrated the International year of Pulses on June 5th 2016 as it’s declared by UNESCO. It is a coincidence that it also happened to be The World Environment Day, so the students were educated to be one with nature by adapting natural ways of life and protecting the environment.

Students of the middle school participated in the event with great enthusiasm. The slogan for the day was “Nutritious seeds for a sustainable future”. To bring out the nutritive importance of pulses an interactive session was held with our dietitian for the day Mrs. Tripta Khattar who gave students valuable information on health, nutrition and diet. To bring a lasting impression in the young minds the Ethnic Food Lounge was also inaugurated by the Principal Mr.K.G.Shirsath. The food lounge had on display all the different varieties of pulses and various ways in which they can be transformed into homemade tasty mother’s recipes which are always the healthy alternative to Junk Food. Students also got to taste a rich variety of protein rich food at the end of the programme.

The programme was well appreciated by the gathering and the concourse expressed the opinion that such educative programmes should be held at regular intervals so that the young minds will benefit greatly in their food habits for their healthy all round growth and development.


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