LIC Intl Kuwait Unit & Warba Insurance company conducted Seminar

Monday, June 13, 2016

LIC International-Kuwait Unit & Warba Insurance company organized a seminar on “How to Manage your money-Be safe & smart with your money, Series-I” at New Park Hotel-Kuwait.

This initiative was taken by LIC International, Kuwait Unit to create financial awareness among the Indian people while making wise decisions for investment of their money.

Mr Krishna Nagrajan-Senior Manager, Warba gave a brief about how the LIC venture started in Kuwait 20 years ago,he has thrown light on the journey so far.

Resident Manager OF LIC International Mr Devesh Kumar explained the money matter concerns and mainly the do’s & don’ts in respect to all type of investments, why one should not rely on one type of investment, why financial planning is required ,how to take care of inflation, what diversification really means when we go for investments. And the usual mistakes we do while going for any investment

In his 2 hours session Mr Kumar emphasized upon the real & necessary investment visions and proper allocation of investment in different instruments. Such as Bank FD/Insurance with human life value calculations etc. And how one can plan for the Higher education/Marriage of children’s & retirement solutions.

This initiative was warmly appreciated by all the participants. And they are getting demand for further specialized sessions on different financial issues. Post event they felicitated their valuable customers also.


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