Cooling Off at Messila

Kaashvi Subin Jagdish, 3 J , IES - Bhavans
Monday, May 2, 2016

In the heat of summer, a good place to visit is Messila Water Park. I visited Messila Water park during my last summer vacation and it was so much of fun. It is located next to the Messila Beach near Petrol Pump at the end of 6th Ring Road.

Once you enter the park all rides are free. Go to as many as rides and as many times you like.

Go to Wading Pool and Water Stream. It is fun to walk through the water stream and a jolly experience to let the water stream carry you along.

These are slides and you can sit on the raft and you can zoom down. There are also huge slides which are very very fast and a bit scary.

I went down those slides with my father. It felt like I was in an aeroplane. Since the summer was really hot I enjoyed playing in water.

We carried some water toys as well and I played with that in the small pool over there. The best thing about summer is WATERPARKS!!!!!

Kaashvi Subin Jagdish
Grade 3, Div-J
Indian Educational School (Bhavans)


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