Bhavanites take part in beach clean-up drive

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Under the aegis of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Kuwait Chapter’s ‘Community Outreach Program’, sixty students, accompanied by two teachers of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (IES) proved their social commitment by partaking in a beach clean-up campaign at Mahboula beach on April 16, 2016. The campaign aimed at connecting the community to our daily lives by providing volunteer help and educating the students regarding health, safety and environment for a better tomorrow.

After the process of registration, the organizers provided safety gears, T shirts and caps to the students for the clean-up programme. Prior to the work, the students were briefed on safety tips and the value of rendering such a service. Collection of trash was the most important activity of the programme, for which the students hardly showed any reluctance. The teachers in charge and the organizers led the students from the front and it was really an awe-inspiring programme for the students.

They were so keen to discharge their duties, for they had learnt the importance of being responsible and committed towards the society they lived in. The programme was yet another learning platform for the students.

Life, being a school by itself, lets the students learn from their experiences. Lessons on environmental protection and societal service were implemented in its practical form by the students through the campaign. They were also able to know more about team work and importance of cleanliness. Since life skills play a key role in the progress of an individual, education, which is not confined to the classrooms, will have greater results. The clean-up campaign was supported by Ahmadi Governorate and corporates.


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