Adobe announces new marketing tool

Thursday, March 24, 2016

LAS VEGAS: At Adobe Summit, the company announced that is launching its 'Marketing Cloud Device Co-op', a network that will enable the world's biggest brands to work together to better identify consumers across digital touch points while ensuring privacy and transparency.

The company claims that Co-op will empower participating brands to recognize their consumers so they can deliver more personalized experiences across devices and apps at massive scale.

Today's digital marketing efforts focus on IP addresses and internet cookies and have failed to establish authentic and intelligent connections with every consumer. According to the "Get Personal" report published today by Adobe, nearly eight in ten consumers (79%) and 90% of millennials report switching devices some of the time when engaged in an activity. Two-thirds (66%) of device owners find it frustrating when content is not synchronized across devices.

According to Adobe, through the Co-op, marketing to people, not devices, will become a reality. Currently, only brands like Google and Facebook, which have huge numbers of users logged into their ecosystems regularly, have been able to keep track of consumers as they move from one device to another.

The Co-op aims to enable member brands to provide their consumers with a better, more consistent content experience as they migrate across devices by establishing links between a group of devices used by unknown consumers or households.

"The Adobe Marketing Cloud Device Co-op will enable brands to intelligently engage with their customers across all the different devices they are using," said Brad Rencher, executive vice president and general manager, digital marketing at Adobe.

As to how Co-op works, Co-op members will give Adobe access to cryptographically hashed login IDs and HTTP header data, which fully hides a consumer's identity. Adobe processes this data to create groups of devices ("device clusters") used by an unknown person or household. Adobe will then surface these groups of devices through its digital marketing solutions, so Co-op members can measure, segment, target and advertise directly to individuals across all of their devices.


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