Champions Football Club hosted Jersey Launching and family get-together

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Champions Football Club, Kuwait unanimously hosted Jersey Launching and family get-together with a colourful cultural programs at Mangaf KALA Auditorium on Saturday.

The event was commenced with prayer song by Juvel. After the prayer song Mr.Joseph Kanakan, the manager of Champions FC welcomed everyone to the gathering. Mr. Ashik Kadiri, the President of KEFAK and chief guest of the function declared the event open by lighting lamp. Mr. Nelson Vareed, the president of CFC presided over the function. Mr. Gulam Mustafa, secretary of KEFAK launched the team jersey by presenting to Mr. Shijas, the Captain of the team. Other distinguished who spoke on occasion were; Jacob Varghese (M.D. Blue Line Co.), Fidaus Valiyat (Country Manager BAHAR), Biju Chettiyadath( Secretary), Thomas Chekkatti (Treasurer) and Anil (Coach CFC). Followed by the cultural banquet Mr. Vinoy Thomas , an executive member rendered vote of thanks. The event was anchored by Jeldo, Anoop & Shihab.


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