Kerala Government may recruit nurses to Kuwait directly

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Nurses in Kerala might be able to go to Kuwait without paying the hefty fees that private agencies charge as the state government plans to entrust state agencies with the task of recruiting nurses.

These agencies include the Overseas Development and Employment Promotion Consultants (ODEPC) and Roots-Norka (the agency that looks after the welfare of the Kerala diaspora).

The idea was mooted by the Indian embassy in Kuwait after numerous complaints of Kerala nurses recruited through private agencies getting a raw deal in terms of salaries and service conditions.

Indian Ambassador to Kuwait HE Sunil Jain had various discussion with the Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Health officials in this regard.

"The Centre has to chip in for this and we are preparing a detailed road map to see that our own agencies also enter into this and Kuwait is one target area," News Agency reported citing Kerala State Minister for Diaspora K.C. Joseph.

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