SIMS conducted a special assembly on ‘Joy of Giving’

Monday, October 20, 2014

The idea of a special assembly was quite aptly delivered on 14th October 2014, when children of class II delivered a superb performance under the guidance of Mrs. Rooma Bahl, Faculty, Salmiya Indian Model School. The theme was ‘Joy of Giving’. Indeed, in today’s claustrophobic peripheries of nuclear families, the act of giving should be exercised with much dedication and discipline. In the assembly children sang the joy of giving and helping others. Their message was simple, yet clear - helping one’s parents in their work, helping one’s siblings, helping one’s neighbours. A token of appreciation is always a warm gesture from anyone. It unifies human hearts. So, our little performers came up with various ideas to appreciate and acknowledge, like they have told us to gift our parents cards, siblings the toy they wanted for long, a packet of chips for the maid who comes for cleaning.

Happiness is something, if you give it away And it comes right back to you.


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