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Dwiti Ponda, IIK Young Reporter Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and another religion in the world may differ on the grounds of the values they teach but all of them have same thoughts about the teachers. Teachers are placed on the top rank in all the religions. Special emphasis is made in their respect. In the the Hinduism teachers are placed above god as they are the ones who taught us about the god. In Islam also teachers are called the supreme and respected. In Sikhism also Guru Gonvind Singh are considered as God. Teachers are placed at the highest rank in the society. These are the few examples but it is true that every religion explains importance of teachers in one’s life.

A teacher is someone who teaches us how to gain knowledge or values. From the day one is born one meets millions of people. Some may make you smile and some cry but some people leave an imprint on you and those people are teachers. This imprint is left in the form of the knowledge or values they give you.

‘Teacher’ does not only refer to someone at school who teaches you the curriculum. The word refers to every person who has made you who you are. Yes, teachers at school do play an important role. But there are many others who go unrecognised. Parents are the best teachers, they teach us how to walk, speak, move, and every other basic thing necessary for life. The stories told to us by our grandparents opens new ways to think and teaches us that at the end good will win. Along with parents and grandparents and family relatives play important roles as teachers in our life. As we grow up and become teenagers our peers are the most influential. They are the best way one can learn to cope up with stress. People in the same age group are the most influential characters in a person’s life and also inspire us to reach for the skies. Friends are also the best teachers. At times there are people who may do wrong with you, break our trust and leave you alone. But they teach you a reason why you can’t trust a person. If you have been robbed or a victim of criminal offence then you know that it that has taught you to stay more safe and cautious. Thousands of people inspire you every day. You might not even notice them or when they do that.

Teachers play an interim role in shaping a person’s personality and attitude. From the right beginning one begins observing his/her parents, family members and teachers at school. The person’s attitude depends on the type of values and thoughts passed down by them. At school many students feel that they like a subject because they are comfortable with the teacher. Even after several years after their school life people still remember the voice of their favourite teacher teaching a subject. A wide smile spreads across their face at this memory. It is also rightly said their children are usually the replica of their parents’ attitude and hence parents are the best and most influential teachers.

A teacher touches the heart and the soul with his/her words of knowledge and wisdom. It is the experience of life that brings credibility to every letter uttered. It takes courage and a big heart to tell someone about your experience and knowledge. The influence of a teacher never stops. Children are the human resource and it is a teacher who adds utility to this resource. Every child is gold but teachers help in adding value to it by shaping it in the right way. Education is the key to everything in life; teachers help you to find that key.

So many people teach you skills of life. A day is not enough to thank them. A gift is not enough to repay them.

Dwiti Ponda
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