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Strangest planets in the universe

Tanmay Sahu Monday, May 23, 2016
Strangest planets in the universe

Space is unbelievably strange. You would be forgiven for thinking that all planets are similar out there. Not just a big ball of rock or gas. Planets, out of the solar system are stranger than what we expect. The planets seem that they belong in some bizarre science fiction series.

I am glad to share the information about the strangest planets in universe and my ambition is to do some studies on space in near future. Sure that after reading this you all will be inspired to know more about the universe.

The first planet TrEs 2-b, 750 light years away from us is the darkest planet in the known universe. It reflects only one percent of the light that receives, making it immensely darker because of its light absorbent gases. It glows molten red on receiving the light as the surface temperature is 1,100oC.

55 Cancrie e

The second planet Cancrie e glows in the space like a diamond twice the size of earth, located 40 light years away from our solar system. Even if you try to reach there and get the diamonds, but on return the diamonds will be completely worthless.

Gliese 436 b

Gliese 436b defies the laws of chemistry. It is a ball of ice on fire. The ice on the surface is constantly burning at 439oC. How can ice defy the laws of chemistry? How can it still stay as solid when it is burning above its melting point? Well, the planet’s gravity is so strong that it pulls the melted ice water to its core compressing it into a solid core from ever evaporating the icy surface.

HD 189773b

If you complain about the weather on earth, be happy that you don’t live in the planet HD 189773b where it constantly rains glass sideways. This planet contains silicon particles in the atmosphere which give its beautiful blue color. As the surface temperature is very harsh, these silicon particles condense to form solid glass, which flies around the planet sideways for 4,000 mph.

Gliese 581 c

The next planet is Gliese 581c is very special because it supports alien life. But this planet is very different from our Earth. It revolves around a red star and it is tidal locked which means that it doesn’t rotate. If you stand towards the sun you would melt and in the opposite side freeze instantly. So how can this planet support life similar to humans. There is a narrow strip of land half way through its hot side and its cold side having the right temperature to support life.

HD 188753 ab

Last but not least about the planets is HD 188753 Ab, 150 light years away from us has three stars.

Life on this planet would have been wonderful with beautiful sunrise and sunset in the universe as well frequent eclipses while the three stars cross each other. So this planet is the best of mine.

Though there are many exo planets in the universe, life cannot be supported in any of the planets due to harsh climatic conditions. We are fortunate enough to be in our wonderful planet.

Hence I request you all to support for the sustainability of the earth.


Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and written by them; the author is solely responsible for the content in this article. does not hold any responsibility for them.

Tanmay Sahu
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Disclaimer:Statements and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and written by them; the author is solely responsible for the content in this article. does not hold any responsibility for them.
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Express your comment on this article

Friday, June 3, 2016
good attempt, start of a great future, wish you the best

Monday, May 30, 2016
Hello Tanmay, you will definitely make a wonderful astronaut. In addition to knowing the strangest planets, it would be interesting to know the vastness of our universe. For example, our solar system streatches across 2 light years from end to end (consider it takes light 8 minutes to reach earth from Sun) If 2 years seem too much, consider galaxies, of which our solar system is a part. Average diameter of a galaxy is 100,000 light years. And the Universe consist of billions of galaxies and streatches across 100 billion light years.
Use wikipedia for GK. All the best :)

Senthil Kumar
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Great Article ..... May your wish of becoming Astronomer be fulfilled.. Good work ...keep it up!

Thursday, May 26, 2016
Woww.... Amazing. should write more and will love it as it is easy to understand and simple to read.

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