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Ramadan – The Divine Month

Ayman Muhammed, IIK Young Reporter Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Ramadan – The Divine Month

Ramadan, a month of holy cause, the month of understanding the importance of food and hunger, the month we donate and help the poor and spend some time with friends and family. It is a month of mixed feelings and empathy. During this month we understand the hunger of the needy and how they lead a day with little or no food. It is the time when we become spiritually associated to god and we pray to him to forgive our sins and mistakes, it is also the time when we recite the Holy Quran.

Ramadan is the time when we should help and show tolerance towards the needy and poor. It is also the time people fast to understand the value of food and water. For example in India around 13% of the population live below the poverty line and that is about 179 million. There are lots of people who are starving and dying without food, as for us we are lucky to have a meal three times a day. So that is one of the reason we fast during Ramadan.

We begin fasting early in the morning just before dawn, eating the pre-fast meal (also known as ‘Suhur’) which is highly recommended and it is also Sunnah (means: it is not obligatory, but if it is done there will be rewards and blessings). We should eat the pre-fast meal or else it will affect our body and make us weak in continuing our fast.

Fasting is broken at sunset and during this time we all gather around and wait to hear the call for prayer (or ‘adhan’) from the mosque. Mostly during regular times, children like me hear the call for prayer and pay less attention, but during Ramadan we all wait with impatience and enthusiasm to hear it. And after it we all break our fast by reciting a dua (or some holy verses). Firstly by eating the dates and drinking the water we break our fast. During this time it is an unimaginable feeling as we quench our thirst with water, we feel as if the water was so sweet. And after which we eat the rest of the food. I do know that oily food are not part while breaking the fast, but I do love to munch on some delicious cutlets or samosas, as my mother makes a few of them.

Fasting is not just a period where starve without food or water, but it is the time we get to know the value of food. Fasting doesn’t mean avoid eating food and water but it is also the time we should avoid bad thoughts, visions and actions, doing these forbidden things will break your fast. Fasting gives us mental, physical and spiritual purification.

During Ramadan we spend time with our family, relatives and other members. Sharing the food items and thoughts between each member and enjoying the fun filled time after breaking the fast, but for the last 2 years the way Ramadan was celebrated had changed a lot, as we were unable to visit our cousins and relatives. During the childhood of my parents, they used to visit their grandparent’s houses at the end of Ramadan and spend a lot of time with their cousins, those are such wonderful days. But as things are changing we can hope that we will be able to celebrate Ramadan, united with our relatives and cousins with togetherness and happiness.

And also as a suggestion, we could try to form an organization and reach to each house and collect the leftover food (if available) and provide them to the needy and poor or else there will be no value for Ramadan, if food isn’t being conserved or given to those who are in need. Or even if you are unable to provide it to some poor people at least give to any other animal, let it light the happiness and darken the hunger of any stomach. These are the things that make Ramadan a significant, holy and spiritual month filled with celebrations and understanding of the value of food.

Thank you, and let us all have an amazing Ramadan month

Ayman Muhammed
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