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One Voice for the Voiceless…Come sign the petition! One against Animal Cruelty!

Immanuel Adriana Rakshana Wednesday, September 18, 2013
One Voice for the Voiceless…Come sign the petition! One against Animal Cruelty!

Small and scared he huddled in the corner, no one to prevent any of this from happening…no one at all… will he recover? Survive? Masculine hands came from above; they slipped the latch of the squeaky cage door. As they got closer and closer the pup began quivering more anxiously. Atop the shiny metal table rested various murderous utensils…The pup at once knew that nothing good was in store, especially not for him! His body was overtaken by sharp pains from his head to his paws. The sleep deprived puppy moaned in agony, but the savages heard nothing, for his vocal cords had been snipped. All he could do was hope that everything would be at “ease” soon.

Animals have been abused in Kuwait for far too long and such heinous treatment has only become more rampant after the national upheaval because a frail little girl was viciously attacked by a few stray dogs. As alarming as this attack seems, this does NOT give hunters the right to barbarously hunt down stray dogs in the most atrocious manner known to man.

The only law that discusses the killing of an animal is:

‘A person who kills an animal owned by another, gives it a poisonous or harmful substance, injures it, makes it useless or decreases its benefits, deliberately and unjustifiable shall be punished up to 2 years of imprisonment and/or shall pay up to 2000 rupees’] {Most laws were created before the Dinar was an official currency; back when Kuwait used to trade in rupees} [ ] –

Some people happen to be under the misconception that the above law makes animal abuse and cruelty a criminal offence. However, one thing that many of them do not realize is that this law takes into consideration only those animals owned by others and not stray animals. Also, if someone tortures his/her own animal, then they are not punished.

The One group aims to help the National Council realize that stricter laws have to be enforced in order to prosecute animal offenders. In order to do so, we need your help and support.

The One group will be taking a stand in 360 mall on the 26th, 27th and 28th of September from 4pm to 11pm by collecting signatures and comments in order to petition for the change. If you are an animal lover and can’t stand to see the animals being mistreated in Kuwait, you NEED to be there. These animals are counting on your voice, it’s all they have…

As a member of the One Group and an avid believer in the need for equal and proper treatment of animals, I urge you to be there. Your contribution will be highly appreciated.

Who are the One Group?

A non-profit volunteer group that got established in 2011 by Mariam AlKharafi, the group revolves around charity and environmental activities.

What kind of voluntary work do we do?

•Charity activities divided by financial and moral activities:

Financial: Collecting donations under the supervision of certified organizations/Trips abroad to help the unfortunate.

Moral: Organizing activities/trips/events for elderly care homes, kids with disabilities and special needs, hospitals, etc.

•Organizing or participating in Seminars, Conferences, and expeditions.

Orientation day (A day where members get to know each other more with fun bonding activities) and entertainment day (A day where the members go out and spend an entertaining day together) both of them are held once a month.

Why are we called One?

We embrace our members by entertaining activities that aim to create a strong bound by each and every one of them, and from that comes the concept of being one, not only counting each other as members or friends but also as a One family.

Campaign details

Dates: 26th / 27th / 28th of September.

Place: 360 Mall

Time: 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and written by them; the author is solely responsible for the content in this article. does not hold any responsibility for them.

Immanuel Adriana Rakshana
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Disclaimer:Statements and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and written by them; the author is solely responsible for the content in this article. does not hold any responsibility for them.
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