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Tanmay Sahu Sunday, May 6, 2018

Did you ever wonder whether there is another earth or another whole universe out there in space? If you have ever thought about that, you are reading the right article. There could be another earth where you are born in a different country or do different occupations. There could be another earth where Germany had won the World War II and ruled over the earth or an earth where the asteroid didn’t hit the earth for the dinosaurs to get extinct. There could be another earth where there are meta-humans or people with superhuman abilities just like your favorite Marvel and DC superheroes. Right, but the point is that there are many universes out in space. The number… well infinite.

The concept of the multiverse was mentioned in the puranaas and the Vedas. Sir Isaac Newton also stated this concept in his book, Optics in 1704. But the term multiverse came into existence only in 1895, thanks to William Jones. As far for me, Hugh Everett deserves the credit for a more detailed explanation on multiverse. He developed a PhD thesis and according to specified in his work as, ‘we are living in a multiverse of countless universes in which we all are copies of each other.’

Now many might be pondering that, “Whoa! Does that mean that there is an earth where I am rich and Bill Gates is a middle class dude?” Yes, that’s absolutely true but it is not easy to travel to that world and see ourselves rich. Don’t worry, and look on the brighter side; we can go to other earths if we travel so fast that our speed opens up a breach or a wormhole to a parallel universe.

Why we aren’t able to prove that there is a multiverse? Simple answer we can’t see it. Complex answer, the parallel universe vibrates at its own frequency different from ours so this makes it impossible for other universes to get a vision. But it isn’t the way we think. In other universes there could be different laws of physics that are applicable only there but we are designed to exist only in a universe with such kind of physics laws we study in school. This is the true science of the multiverse.

There are two kinds of models for the multiverse,

The Bubble Model: - This model states that there are plenty of other universes which are really far away from us that we will never see them.

Membranes and Extra Dimensions: - This idea mainly depicts perhaps of what we think of our universe is just a three dimensional surface embedded within a larger super universe with nine other dimensions.

This whole multiverse scenario is hypothetical, but please continue on reading the article. I am sorry for the people who pondered that they want to go to other earths and see themselves. I am really sorry. The fact is that we have not yet proved it but it actually could be true and we are on the way for the discovery.

I have put forward a theory of my own after shedding blood and sweat. We have this thing called the universe where people like you and me exist and trillions of trillions of stars and planets exist. But what exactly is outside the universe. Many may say ‘space’ or ‘nothing’; I call it ‘The Floating Molecules of Everything’, only because (maybe), you can see the vast number of universes in bubbles floating around our universe. This could be true as our universe cannot be the only one. Just imagine a universe, you go outside of it and you see nothing but darkness. Now that would not look pleasing as outside the universe you have a bigger thing called nothing and it isn’t just an accident that the big bang happened only once. Big bang, we are talking about a cosmic explosion that changed everything so it could be possible that the energy given out by our big bang created another big bang and the process went on to form a multiverse.

I am sorry if your head has exploded. It would be better if you ceased thinking the fact that would blow your mind. Believe me this would only make it worse.

Now the main question is, why am I telling about things that neither you nor I can ever prove? My only dream is that I want it to be true and if it is actually true, you can confidently explain the concept of multiverse to anyone without beating around the bushes.

Just imagine yourself in a spaceship travelling faster than you have ever thought. You would feel the cosmos and the adrenaline running through your veins with a special effect of goose bumps after you glance at another earth with the same number of people and the same kind of them too.

Physically we would never be able to surpass beyond the observable universe. There will always be a blanket that would envelope us. Probably after a millennium or so we may develop such a technology that could allow us to create a wormhole cutting through space and time which would lead us anywhere we like, even other universes. But the concept of multiverse could be our only hope for sustaining life.

Tanmay Sahu
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