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Good Health and Good Sense are two of Life’s Greatest Blessings

Marushka Fernandes, IIK Young Reporter Monday, September 9, 2019
Good Health and Good Sense are two of Life’s Greatest Blessings

‘Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.’ It is very crucial and important to look after the Health of each and every person so that they can live a long and healthy life while in turn also being able to perform to the best of their capabilities in different aspects of life. A healthy life inflicts a sense of confidence and sureness within a person that enables an individual to work in the most accurate, efficient, and effective way.

As it is frequently said, ‘The preservation of health is easier than the cure of a disease.” However, in the modern era it is quite tedious to live up to the expectations of leading a good and healthy life. This could be due to various reasons. Firstly, the growth and expansion of the fast food industry has led to many devastating consequences. People get addicted to low priced, good looking, mouth-watering junk food, that they forget about how badly it can affect and ruin their health. People seldom think about getting obesity and diabetes when they go on these rather chaotic escapades. Secondly, many people are unaware that some certain kinds of foods though may seem harmless, can actually be very injurious to the health a person. People are also ignorant to the number of calories a single food can add to the diet of that person. As a result, people may go munching on things that may seem healthy but are actually not. Thirdly, various public places are also not well maintained or cleaned properly. This in turn may serve as a breeding ground for various harmful, life threatening diseases. Lastly, many people in different parts of the world do not have basic health and sanitation facilities like safe drinking water, food and so on. Not having anything to eat or drink, these people are forced to consume contaminated food and water just to ensure their basic survival. As a result, the health of these people is depleting rapidly, and it has reached a point beyond control.

This in fact is the main aim and purpose of World Health Day. World Health day works towards raising awareness about various Health issues and remedies. The theme of World Health Day 2019 (7th April) is ‘Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere.’ In the modern world, people have gone a long way in developing the most advanced and efficient medications, antibiotics and drugs that have helped to save thousands of lives and many more to come. However, in different parts of the world there still exists millions of people that do not yet have access to basic health and medicinal facilities. This dire situation grows worse by the day. That is solely why the world health organization has decided to take up this concerning issue and is now working towards achieving it as quickly and productively as possible.

There are many routines and activities that can be carried out to ensure a long healthy life of an individual. The best sort of activity that must be done to uphold and maintain the health of a person is walking. My family and I love to take a stroll in the morning or evening and enjoy nature at its best. Its quite soothing to the mind too. It is scientifically proven that walking helps to make a person more active and immune to a wide range of diseases. Secondly, it is very important to bath regularly every day. If this is not done, then your body could serve as a breeding ground for a variety of diseases and infections. In addition to all of this, another important thing that we should do as a good human being is donate to the less fortunate. There are several sites and programs where you can donate little amounts of money regularly. Ever little bit counts.

In order to ensure a good, healthy and bright future ahead of us we need to be able to be selfless and sacrifice for the well-being and development of not only the poorer strata of people but also for the younger generations to come. Moreover, we need to be wise enough to think of the larger picture and work towards benefitting society as a whole. Overall, I would like to say that, ‘The man who earns a million but destroys his health in the process is not really successful at all.’

Marushka Fernandes
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