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Discipline in a student's life

Kripa Susan Shaji Monday, August 13, 2012
Discipline in a student

Discipline is the key to success-this saying stands true for all times and for people of all different age groups. But it means more when it comes to the life of a student. In contemporary times, there are things which can or try to lure a student from the basic objective in his or her life. In this glittering world of advertisements, the glamorous world of modeling and cinemas unfold a new era in front of the young people and are wooed by the glamour and those of us who don't think even a minute before jumping into action can experience being carried away by the wind and feet walking to a place where you better not go.

In my life, I have tested this statement many times and the outcome was extraordinary. For example, I stayed away from them and overcame by getting high scores in all my exams, that means, when a person sees an advertisement, an exciting one, most of that person's mind will only be focused on that and that means lower grades in exams.

It is a good thing to change in ones life. But the billion dollar question is when to change, how to change and above all, why do we need to change?

Everything that glitters is not gold and things that does not catch ones attention might be more precious than gold. Before being swept away by changing winds, a student should think and consciously choose which path to follow. Apart from this web chatting also takes up most of the time in a youngster's life. Self-discipline is something that we should achieve and is not a commodity that can be bought from the market. Along with self-discipline comes concentration which is very essential for our success in life.

Remember that temptations in order to divert our attention from our self-discipline are everywhere, and only the form of temptations change. But those of us who learn the subtle art of self-discipline and self-constraint can let nothing prevent us from our goal of earning successful goals in life. So I conclude my article by saying that let us all aim to be a little more self-discipline from henceforth.

Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and written by them; the author is solely responsible for the content in this article. does not hold any responsibility for them. eat

Kripa Susan Shaji
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