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Barakat Ramdan

Gauri Vinod, IIK Young Reporter Thursday, April 8, 2021
Barakat Ramdan

Ramadan is the ninth month of the 12-month Islamic calendar, a lunar calendar that’s based on the phases of the moon. The lunar calendar falls short of the solar calendar by 11 days. Ramadan is celebrated as the month during which Muhammad received the initial revelations of what became the Quran, the holy book for Muslims, from God.

During this holy month, fasting starts from dawn and ends by dusk. They are supposed to avoid eating and drinking during this period. Fasting is seen as a way to cleanse the soul and have empathy for those in the world who are hungry and less fortunate. It is also a time which brings family and friends closer to each other. Muslims believe that Ramadan teaches them to practice self-discipline, self -control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate.

The first pre-dawn meal of the day during Ramadan is called “Suhoor.” Each day’s fast is broken with a meal known as “Iftar.” Traditionally, a date is eaten to break the fast. Iftars are often elaborate feasts celebrated with family and friends. The types of foods served vary according to culture.

Ramadan ends with the big celebration known as Eid-al-Fitr. It starts the day after Ramadan ends and lasts for three days.

Wishing all the readers Ramadan Mubarak…!!

Gauri Vinod Nair
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