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ICSK Khaitan Hosts Blessing Ceremony for IGCSE Students

Thursday, April 4, 2024
ICSK Khaitan Hosts Blessing Ceremony for IGCSE Students

The Indian Community School in Khaitan, Kuwait, held a heartfelt benediction ceremony on March 20th, 2024, to uplift and encourage students preparing for their Cambridge final board exams. The event, held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., was a source of motivation for students as they entered this critical phase of their academic journey.

Ms. Blessie Princeline, from the Department of IGCSE, welcomed esteemed guests, including chief guest Mr. Arul Dharmaraj, Principal of Al Amal Indian School, Kuwait, and Mr. Azharuddin Amer Mohammed, Honorary Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Indian Community School, Kuwait. The ceremony commenced with an invocation of divine blessings and patriotism through Islamic prayer led by Master Mohammed Mirshad from IG 1, followed by the national anthems of Kuwait and India.

Symbolizing the illumination of knowledge and wisdom, Mr. Arul Dharmaraj and Mr. Gangadhar Shirsath, Principal of Indian Community School, Khaitan, lit the ceremonial lamp.

Principal Gangadhar Shirsath delivered a warm welcome address, recognizing the school community's support and emphasizing the importance of academic excellence.

Mr. Azharuddin Amer Mohammed felicitated chief guest Mr. Arul Dharmaraj, acknowledging his outstanding leadership in education.

In his keynote address, Mr. Arul Dharmaraj imparted words of wisdom and engaged students in interactive activities to alleviate exam anxieties.

Certificates were distributed to deserving students, acknowledging their academic achievements and leadership qualities.

A group photo session captured the essence of unity and camaraderie within the school community.

Students from IG-I delivered a soul-stirring musical performance, captivating the audience. Finally, students walked through the candlelight passage created by their teachers while being blessed in the melody of ‘Showers of Blessings’ rendered by the choir group.

Ms. Minarva Ramesh, Coordinator of IGCSE, expressed gratitude to all who contributed to the event's success, particularly Ms. Shafqat Hussain, Head of the Department, IGCSE.

The Benediction Ceremony at the Indian Community School, Kuwait, Khaitan, 2024, showcased the school's commitment to holistic development and academic excellence. Through inspirational speeches, heartfelt blessings, and celebratory moments, the event instilled values of perseverance, leadership, and gratitude. As students embark on their academic journey, may they carry the blessings of their teachers and the hopes of a brighter future. Finally, the auspicious ceremony, anchored by Ms Lissa and Ms Saher from IG-I, came to an end with the scrumptious Iftar. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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