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Kuwait Men's National Cricket Team Receives Warm Welcome after Historic Triumph

Sunday, March 17, 2024
Kuwait Men

The Kuwait Men's National Cricket Team received a grand welcome at the Kuwait International Airport on March 12, 2024, following their triumphant win in the ICC 50 overs Challenge League Play-off in Malaysia earlier this month. Led by skipper Mohammad Aslam and coached by Qasim Ali and assisted by Shehan Shashika, with management under Naveen Jayan, the team was greeted by the Kuwait Cricket Contingent, including KCC President Mr. Haider Farman, KCC Director General Mr. Sajid Ashraf, and other senior KCC officials.

In a proud moment for Kuwait Cricket, Mr. Haider Farman, the President of Kuwait Cricket Board, expressed his joy and satisfaction, hailing the victory as historic and pathbreaking. He credited the entire KCC family for their relentless hard work over the years, congratulating every member of the delegation to Malaysia and the KCC fraternity for this remarkable achievement. Despite an initial setback against Saudi Arabia in the league stage, he commended the team's resilience and skill displayed throughout the tournament.

Mr. Sajid Ashraf, the KCC Director General, shared his elation, emphasizing that one of their dreams had come true with Kuwait's qualification for the ICC CWC Challenge League, granting them List A Status by the ICC. He praised the team for their exceptional skill, determination, and teamwork, highlighting their journey to participate in 15 List A matches and now targeting the ICC ODI Status in the process… through the qualification obtained for the ICC Cricket World Cup Challenge League 2024-2027.

Looking ahead, the Kuwait National Men's team gears up for the ACC T20 Men's Premier League in Oman scheduled from April 10th to 24th, 2024, after a month's break. With their recent success and newfound momentum, Kuwait aims to continue their stellar performance on the international cricket stage.

The entire nation stands behind the Kuwait Men's National Cricket Team, celebrating their achievements and eagerly anticipating their future endeavors as they continue to make waves in the world of associate nations cricket. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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