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India- The Land of Magic

Devika Krishnakumar, IIK Young Contributor Tuesday, August 1, 2023
India- The Land of Magic

From waking up to the melodious hymns to walking barefoot to the milkman, India soaks you into the glorious beauty of charming experiences. The crowds with faces painted saffron, white and green scream for our country till we are hoarse. Our land is nothing but a dense forest breathing fervent patriotism. Jamudweepa, Al-Hind, Tenjiku, Hindustan, Aryavarta and Bharat- Many names and one country!

Jamudweepa, Al-Hind, Tenjiku, Hindustan, Aryavarta and Bharat- Many names and one country! “Uttaram yat samudrasya,Himadreshchaiv dakshinam, varsham tad Bharatam nama, Bharatee yatra santhatihi”- To the north of the ocean and south to the Himalayas, Bharat is the country and the people born are the Bharatees.There has been a lot of change from the day we flew out of the cage of imprisonment to this day. According to the recent statistics by Morgan Stanley, India’s GDP is estimated to grow by 6.6% in the fiscal year 2023-24, while the USA and China are anticipating just 0.2% and 3% of GDP growth. Now the question is- Why is India growing this fast?

The median age of India is 28.4 years, which means India is a pool of young manpower resulting in colossal economic output. 1.5 million engineers graduate every year making the country a lagoon of tech talents. Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichhai, Shantanu Narayan are exemplifications for the same. Customer service and software development are the pillars of growth for India. The second reason is the digital transformation. This has created a major impact in financial, healthcare and banking services. Remember standing in long queues for Aadhar Card? It surely had an effect. Digital infrastructure called India stack is revolutionizing access to finance. It became a lot easier for people and businesses to apply for credit and loans which are cheaper than ever before. It can track usage data and shutdown underperforming shops. Number of households earning about USD 35,000 is likely to grow from 5.6 million to 25 milli. Access to energy has contributed to economic prosperity. Two- thirds of India’s energy consumption comes from renewable sources and this tends to rise to 60%. India anticipates a massive amount of investment opportunities in this field.

In India, the color of the land changes within no time. It is the land of culture and tradition.One feels proud to watch the nation emerging and developing.

We are different by language and traditions, but we are one by heart. Vande Mataram!

Devika Krishnakumar
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