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Hot weather with variable light winds to dominate Kuwait's weekend

KUNA Friday, September 28, 2018

Weather in Kuwait will be predominantly hot with variable light winds through the weekend, said a Kuwaiti meteorologist Thursday.

Speaking to KUNA, meteorologist Abdulaziz Al-Qarawi said that temperature would go down ahead of the fall season.

Daytime temperature Thursday reached between 42 to 44 degrees Celsius, said Al-Qarawi, adding that wind speed was between 6 to 22 kilometers per hour (km/h) with the status of the sea seeing waves at one to two feet.

He indicated that Thursday's evening weather would see the temperature falling down to 27 to 29 degrees Celsius, as the state of the sea will have waves reaching around one to three feet.

The weather Friday will see temperatures soaring up to 42 to 44 degrees Celsius during the day and cooling down to 26 and 28 degrees Celsius in the evening, Al-Qarawi, adding that wind speeds will vary during daytime to reach 10 to 35 km/h while in the evening it will be between eight to 30 km/h.

The state of the sea Friday will witness waves between two to five feet in the day and one to four feet in the evening.

Saturday's weather will continue the trend of hot temperature during the day with numbers reaching between 42 and 44 degrees Celsius while at evening time it will cool down to around 25 to 27 degrees Celsius.

Light variable northwestern winds with speeds of eight to 28 km/h during the day and six to 26 km/h during the evening Saturday. State of the sea will have waves reaching one to three feet during the whole day. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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