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Organisation like FIMA have bigger role to play for India Kuwait relationship - Ambassador Jeeva Sagar

IIK Staff Reporter Saturday, May 26, 2018
Organisation like FIMA have bigger role to play for India Kuwait relationship - Ambassador Jeeva Sagar

Associations like FIMA, Federation of Indian Muslims Associations can largely support the Indian embassy in its efforts to bring and build pup the affinity and goodwill to bring the people of Kuwait and people a of India, Ambassador K Jeeva Sagar said. He was talking to the selected audience during a Ramadan Iftar hosted by FIMA. The Iftar held at Crowne Plaza hotel was attended by large number of prominent Kuwaiti personalities and dignitaries from the Indian community.

"It is a delight to attend so many Ramadan diwaniyas in these days and understanding this culture," Ambassador Jeeva Sagar said. The equality we talk about is the essence of every religion, particularly in Islam and during Ramadan you are underlining that we are all human at the end of the day, he said.

"i would call up on each Indian to make your efforts to contribute for the development of this country and likewise I request the Members of this beautiful country to reciprocate our good will for you and bring our countries together further," Ambassador said.

Prominent Kuwaiti speakers Dr. Sulaiman Al Saad and Eng Hussain Al Muthawwa also spoke on the occasion. FIMA President Kareem Irfan gave the presidential speech. General secretary Mohammad Haneef welcomed all the dignitaries. IBPC President Mr. Anand Kapadia also delivered felicitation speech. FIMA Vice President Hidayathullah proposed vote of thanks. The event started by the Quran recitation by Master Basil Mohammed.

The FIMA Iftar was attended by Various Kuwait dignitaries Ambassadors of Korea, South Africa, Guyana and diplomats from various embassies. Various Indian community leaders, media personnel, businessmen, doctors and professionals also attended Iftar function. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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