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Nearly 500 percent increase for health charges for expats

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The new price list prepared by the health ministry reveals increases that reach nearly 500 percent for residents and much more for visitors on healthcare charges.

As per local media report, the new charges reach a peak in the treatment of tumors with TheraSphere, at KD 5,000 for visitors compared to KD 500 for expat residents, while the previous charge was KD 100 only.

Treatment of bone cancer with isotopes will now cost KD 1,000 for visitors and KD 500 for expats, while the previous price was a mere KD 50.

Charges for x-rays and laboratory tests were also increased, such as thyroid gland testing, from KD 15 to KD 40 for expats and KD 90 for visitors.

Thyrogen injection charges have risen to KD 500 for residents and KD 790 for visitors.

The charges for tests for esophagus and gastric reflux, stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder and blood vessels range from KD 10 to KD 50 for expats and KD 100 for visitors.

Cardiac test fees have increased from KD 10 to KD 50 for expats and KD 100 for visitors, while ischemic heart testing charges increased from KD 30 to KD 50 for expats and KD 100 for visitors.

Charges for blood plasma tests will go up from KD 20 to KD 250 for expats and KD 470 for visitors.

Mammography charges increase from KD 20 to KD 50 for expats and KD 100 for visitors.

Testicular test fees have increased from KD 10 to KD 40 for expats and KD 90 for visitors, while that of vein tests have risen from KD 15 to KD 40 for expats and KD 90 for visitors.

Lung aeration test fees have increased to KD 50 for expats and KD 110 for visitors.

Kidney tests with DMSA and MAG 3 increased from KD 10 to KD 40 for expats and KD 90 for visitors, while spinal cord test fees increased from KD 20 to KD 50 for expats and KD 100 for visitors.

Pregnancy ultrasound charges increased from KD 10 to KD 30, while CT scans will now cost KD 80, and MRI scans KD 120. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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Human Being
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Its better to kill us instead of killing in such way,Dubai always appreciate to expats, that because of expats Dubai is number in Gulf, but here its completely different, except God no one can one thoughts about the poor people who is earning 70-80kd per month.

Hary Paul
Monday, January 9, 2017
Dear fellow Indians,

Pls. do not believe all the news in IIK website. These news are collected from local sources and are not official.
By the way,govt.has repeatedly denied the news and hence nothing to worry about.Here in Kuwait, we are lucky to have reasonable good health care with nominal price. Back in most of south-east asia, it is way too expensive for most of the ordinary people to bear the cost. At least we are getting treatment here.

Kuwait Born
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Kuwait has come to an end..Unsecured govt. Want to just loot money from poor people better go back to our country. Idiots have forgot most of highly skilled doctors are expats here.. Just to treat these idiots dont stay in this country better to go to homeland...

Sunday, January 8, 2017
Now Kuwaitis only for Kuwaiti.all others they don't this is time to vacate.they want only to save their people.

Ehsan Mohsin
Saturday, January 7, 2017
dear IIK

pl pl for God Sake dont spreade the false and rumours. see today's Arab Times MOH denies any rise in Service fee for expats.

pl give news for lowering the house rents. As lots of apartmets is empty even in old buildings.

thanks & Brgds.

Saturday, January 7, 2017
is this increase in prices already approved by cabinet ? lets hope and pray these are numbers of some wild imaginations of some deluded expat hating MP.

Increase the prices, their country, their rules, but make it realistic enough to pinch a person not hack him to death !

Most of the expats in kuwait are in bracket of 60 kd to 350 kd range. those who are getting paid extremely well go to private hospitals. this is an indirect way of saying die if you are poor.

Saturday, January 7, 2017
Why are they charging medical insurance? It should be scrapped.
Nearly KD750 million is collected as medical insurance every year.

Saturday, January 7, 2017
They will learn very soon the value of expats. Expats' existence in Kuwait is mainly for the development of their country. They should think in that way that they invest money on expats for their own country. If you go to a restaurant and pay money for the food, will you say that restaurants are the problem of our country because they are taking all our money?? No, they are paying for a service. It is the same way when they spend the basic needs for expat, think that this idiots are working for your country. I pray that God's wrath wouldn't come on Kuwait. The tears of poor people are falling in this country. There is a God who is watching all these.

Saturday, January 7, 2017
Do we have to pay separately, or from insurance amount. If it is separately then why are we paying insurance amount ? Or our insurance amount goes for Nurses and doctors salary ?

Saturday, January 7, 2017
God has given you wealth for helping the needy. Again looting the poor!!! You have to give answer.

Saturday, January 7, 2017
Is this charge for Govt or Private hospitals?

Saturday, January 7, 2017
& fixed the min monthly salary for expat worker as 60KD..wat a joke

Saturday, January 7, 2017
& fixed the min monthly salary for expat worker as 60KD..wat a joke

Friday, January 6, 2017
Very nice step, but still affordable by business men and not all people.

Sayed Abbas
Friday, January 6, 2017
It's Good God Bless u helping a poor worker

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