Kuwait Indian School’s Earth Day Agricultural Workshop @Shamiya Greenhouse

Thursday, May 2, 2024

“Student is not a container you have to fill but a torch you have to light up.” Albert Einstein
In alignment with CBSE's Environmental Awareness Program aimed at fostering eco-conscious citizens, the Science department of Kuwait Indian School orchestrated a field trip to Shamiya Greenhouse for our students to enhance their scientific knowledge and understanding of nature. The Shamiya Greenhouse is a passion project that started in 2017 and co-founded by Noha Al-Kharafi and Adeeba Al-Fahad. They noticed that residential areas in Kuwait lacked lively community spaces due to the fact that the local parks were neglected. They had a vision to transform these parks into greener and more community centred spaces. This would also combat climate change and reduce summer temperatures through the increase of trees, vegetation, recycling and living more sustainably. It was an immersive natural learning experience for our students, employing real-life experiments. This initiative was meticulously designed to imbue students with a profound understanding of environmental principles and practices, nurturing them into reliable stewards of our planet.

The expedition turned out to be an incredibly enriching journey for everyone involved. As we arrived at the farm, we were welcomed by an expanse of lush greenery adorned with a spectrum of vibrant hues from diverse plants and flowers. The farm unfolded before our eyes, presenting rows upon rows of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, creating a mesmerizing scene. The students were swiftly enveloped in the enchanting embrace of nature, brimming with curiosity and exhilaration. As we wandered through the farm, encountering a multitude of unfamiliar plants, their interest was heightened. The farm owner graciously imparted invaluable knowledge into the diverse array of plant species, detailing their distinctive traits. The students were fascinated by her wealth of knowledge and expertise, eagerly posing thought-provoking questions and displaying a fervent eagerness to delve deeper into the intricacies of plant life.

During the visit, we had the opportunity to engage in interactive, hands-on experiences such as seed planting, plant care, and harvesting a variety of fruits and vegetables. The students enthusiastically embraced these tasks, eager to apply their scientific knowledge in a practical setting. Witnessing them collaborate harmoniously as a team was truly heartening. As the trip unfolded, the students gained irreplaceable insights into the farm's ecosystem, realizing the pivotal role of biodiversity in sustaining a thriving environment.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Greenhouse Management for their generous hospitality extended to our students. Their visit proved to be an enriching and unforgettable experience, nurturing a profound bond with nature and our community. Amidst nature's vibrant palette, Greenhouse Management's inspiration created the ideal setting for our students' exploration and learning. We sincerely appreciate the lasting memories you've woven, shaping a journey of discovery that will resonate for years to come.

We’re grateful to our esteemed Principal, Mrs. Sabahat Khan for providing us with this extraordinary opportunity, creating indelible memories for both our students and teachers alike. The excursion acted as a catalyst, igniting scientific curiosity and nurturing a deep appreciation for the wonders of the natural world within our students. It offered a rare chance for them to bridge the gap between theory and practice, witnessing firsthand the tangible outcomes of their classroom education in real-world contexts.


Read this article at www.indiansinkuwait.com