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The Brave Princess

Feba Susan Shaji Tuesday, January 16, 2018
The Brave Princess

Long, long ago there lived a king with his wife they were sad because they had no children so one day a baby girl was born to the king and the queen. They were so happy. They had named her as Isabelle. There was a wicked witch in the kingdom, everyone was afraid of her. The witch knew that Isabelle was beautiful and she was jealous of Isabelle. Then one day she took Isabelle away while everyone were sleeping.

The next morning the king and the queen were astounded to find their little princess gone. They were really sad and heartbroken as they had got a child after so many years. The king sent guards to search for the princess. But, the search was in vain. The little princess could not be found anywhere. The witch came again the next night and made the king and the queen invisible with her magic powers. The witch took the princess to her cottage. She had made the princess as her servant.

Isabelle had to clean the cottage and cook food for the witch. And then one day, when the witch asked her to cook food for her Isabelle wanting to escape from the clutches of the evil witch she poisoned the food and gave it to the witch to eat. When the witch ate the food she fell dead on the floor. Isabelle ran out of the door and using the wicked witch’s wand she created a shortcut to the palace and upon not seeing her parents she panicked. She called, “mom, dad” many a times.

Her parents answered and said where they were standing and Isabelle turned her parents visible again using the wand. And they hugged each other with joy and happiness. And they lived happily ever after. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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