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FAIPS DPS conducts comprehensive education and engaging field visits for grade XII Psychology students

Thursday, April 25, 2024
FAIPS DPS conducts comprehensive education and engaging field visits for grade XII Psychology students

On April 17, 2024, a group of students from FAIPS-DPS' Psychology Department had the opportunity to engage with inclusive education by visiting Hope School for Special Needs in Kuwait City. The purpose of their visit was to gain a firsthand understanding of working with children with diverse learning needs.

Upon their arrival, the psychology students and teachers were greeted with a warm welcome from Mrs. Shoug Ahmed, the Vice Principal, and her team at Hope School. The Vice Principal provided a brief introduction of the school and its activities and also guided the FAIPS students on how to appropriately interact with the children at Hope School.

During their visit, the students of FAIPS engaged in active interaction with their peers from Hope School and took part in various classroom activities, gaining firsthand experience of the challenges and successes of these interactions. They observed the diverse range of abilities and challenges faced by each student at the school and were impressed by the patience and empathy demonstrated by the educators in addressing the unique needs of each child. The psychology students had the opportunity to have their doubts clarified during an interactive session with the resident psychologist and Vice Principal of Hope School.

The visit to Hope School was a transformative experience for the FAIPS students, leaving a profound impact that challenged their preconceived notions and inspired them to become advocates of inclusivity. The students departed with hearts full of gratitude and minds buzzing with newfound knowledge, returning to FAIPS-DPS with a deeper understanding of intellectual disabilities and a renewed sense of purpose to effect positive change in their future careers. On behalf of the Management Principal, Mr. Ravi Ayanoli extended sincere gratitude to the Hope School authorities for an opportunity for FAIPS students to interact with the students of Hope School. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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