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FAIPS DPS: An Indelible Expedition to ‘the Land of the Franks’

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
FAIPS DPS:  An Indelible Expedition to ‘the Land of the Franks’

“Stuff your eyes with wonder…. See the world…. It’s more fantastic than any Dream!’

FAIPS-DPS has always strived to provide its students with exciting and meaningful educational experiences. To this end, the school arranged a 6-day tour in March 2024 for students in classes VII to XII, IGCSE, and BC, which allowed them to explore the vibrant cultures of France and Belgium. A group of 25 enthusiastic students and 2 teachers were able to engage in a variety of cultural activities and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. This experience not only broadened the students' perspectives but also encouraged them to learn and grow beyond the classroom setting.

The captivating tour that commenced on March 23rd was an incredibly enriching experience. The team's arrival in Paris, the fashion capital of the world, set the tone for an unforgettable adventure. The first stop was the fabled Disneyland where the group enjoyed thrilling rides and witnessed the spectacular Disney carnival. The tour then continued with visits to some of Paris's most iconic landmarks, including the Arc de Triomphe and a stroll down the Champs-Elysees, where they admired the splendid architecture and indulged in some shopping for loved ones. The group also had the opportunity to visit the famous Basilica of Sacré Coeur de Montmartre, the historic Versailles Palace, and, of course, the iconic Eiffel Tower with its stunning panoramic views.

The vibrant energy of Paris gave way to a serene and picturesque drive to Belgium, revealing a completely different yet equally captivating ambiance. Exploring the Royal Gallery of Saint Hubert in Brussels and taking a charming detour to the quaint canal town of Bruges left a lasting impression on both the senses and the soul.

The iconic Atomium in Brussels and the awe-inspiring Mini Europe, featuring miniature renditions of European landmarks, were also highlights of the trip.

Each destination the students visited provided them with the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in rich history and breathtaking scenery, free from the distractions of mobile phones and social media. Additionally, the trip offered a chance for the children to indulge in a wide variety of cuisines, ranging from Indian to French, Italian to Lebanese, and even Greek. Every meal was a cherished memory and a unique experience. As the trip drew to a close on March 29th, with a heavy heart the team bid farewell to the beautiful countries of France and Belgium, having gained invaluable experiences such as shopping, staying away from family, sharing hotel rooms with friends and teachers, and forming lasting bonds that will remain with them for a lifetime. Mr. Ravi Ayanoli, the Head of the institution, expresses gratitude on behalf of the management to the parents of the students for their support in providing this wonderful experience to the students. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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