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Tulukoota Kuwait Hosts Memorable Iftar Koota at Indian School of Excellence

Sunday, April 7, 2024
Tulukoota Kuwait Hosts Memorable Iftar Koota at Indian School of Excellence

TuluKoota Kuwait, a prominent community organization in Kuwait, proudly hosted a meaningful Iftar gathering on Thursday, March 21, 2024, at the Indian School of Excellence in Salmiya. Beginning at 5:00 PM, the event brought together esteemed guests, community leaders, and members for an evening of reflection, unity, and celebration during the holy month of Ramadan.

The occasion was graced by distinguished chief guests, Mr. Sharfuddin Soofi, Scholar, and Motivational Speaker, and representatives of M.A. Hythar Group and Al-Mulla Exchange, along with notable guests of honor including Mr. Yusuf Rasheed, President of KKMA Karnataka Wing, Mr. Sathishchandra Shetty, President of Buntara Sangha Kuwait, Mr. Naveen Mascarenhas, President of KCWA, Mr. Amarnath Suvarna, President of Billava Sangha Kuwait, Mr. Ananth Mangalagi, President of Kannada Koota Kuwait, and Mr. Hussain Yerumad, President of KCF, fostering an atmosphere of wisdom, camaraderie, and solidarity.

Mr. Abdul Razzak, the President of TuluKoota Kuwait, in his welcome speech expressed gratitude to all guests and participants and stressed the significance of nurturing unity and harmony within the community, particularly during Ramadan. He underscored, "Our Iftar koota serves as a platform for fostering bonds of friendship and understanding among our members, while also celebrating the richness of our cultural heritage."

Dr. Manohar Prabhu, an active member of TuluKoota Kuwait, charismatically hosted the program. The evening commenced with the rendition of the national anthems of Kuwait and India, evoking a sense of patriotism. Dr. Manohar Prabhu warmly welcomed all attendees, inviting the dignitaries to share their perspectives on the significance of Ramadan. The guests of honor delivered insightful remarks, highlighting Ramadan's importance as a time for spiritual growth, communal unity, and charitable acts. A special guest Master Mohammed Alsarraf a student of Kuwait English school delivered a message of Ramadan. The chief guest of the event Mr. Sharfudding Soofi delivered a talk on “Message of Ramadan”.

Following these inspiring speeches, attendees partook in the breaking of the fast, symbolizing the unity and shared values that define the spirit of Ramadan. Mr. Sharfuddin Soofi was honoured by the Tulukoota management committee and advisors for his exemplary contributions to the community, further enriching the evening's significance.

Mr. Harish Bhandary, general Secretary of TuluKoota Kuwait, extended sincere gratitude to all esteemed guests, sponsors, volunteers, and attendees whose contributions ensured the success of the Iftar gathering. Through such initiatives, TuluKoota Kuwait remains dedicated to fostering unity, diversity, and goodwill within the community, embodying the true essence of Ramadan and reaffirming the organization's commitment to promoting cultural harmony and social cohesion.

The event concluded with a delightful dinner, allowing attendees to enjoy delicious dishes and continue strengthening bonds of friendship and fellowship. is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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