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The World Saving Snowmen

Alvin Viljo,4-A. IES,Bhavans Monday, May 31, 2021
The World Saving Snowmen

One winter night when I was out for a walk, I heard a noise. When I investigated, my jaw dropped. It was a gathering of snowmen having a meeting in a snow cave! I was extremely scared. One snowman who seemed to be the leader said, “No Bunny, your idea will take too long”. “Yes, Snowy do you have a better idea?” asked the leader when a short snowman raised his hand. Snowy was about to tell his idea when I spotted a rusty old snow shovel. I immediately grabbed it and threw it at the leader as I was scared.

It formed a hole in the leader’s body. The leader, whom I named Nosey, as his nose was long, calmly looked at his torso which had the shovel in it. As he pulled it out, he grimaced but didn’t say anything. After pulling it out Nosey snapped and the hole instantly was filled with snow. He looked up and said, “Human being, we will pardon you although you attacked us because we need a human to finish our project.” I was so curious that I forgot my fears and asked them what their plans were. Nosey explained,

“Did you know that today is Earth Day?” He continued as I was silent, “Of course you don’t know. You human beings never even think about saving the planet you live on! So, to honour mother Earth, we snow people are going to use scary costumes of the yeti and scare human beings until they promise to never dirty or hurt mother Earth. Your job is just to come with us as we need a human to access your world. Hahahahahahaha……..It is their punishment for hurting mother Earth for so long. “So, let’s get to work……Snowmen Assemble!!!!!

Alvin Viljo,4-A. IES,Bhavans is now on WhatsApp Channel    Follow Channel

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